Tuesday, October 27, 2009

LONG update

Forever posing for a picture.

Kenzie at the Pumpkin Patch 2009

Her PreHalloween bucket of treats.

Kenzie leaving school today.

Kenzie and her little friend Christian.

It has been a while since I last updated and I am SOO sorry. Life has become quite busy and it is hard to keep up! Here are some new adventures going on in the Shook House...

Madisyn turns 6 months old tomorrow! She goes for her 6 month check up on Wednesday. I will update you all on height/weight stats.

Madisyn has begun rolling all around the floor, getting up on all fours, and pushing herself around backwards. Every once in a great while she will launch herself forward if she really wants something. She also has learned to sit unassisted, but it generally usually lasts only a minute or two because her belly hangs over the diaper. I guess it is not very comfortable. She loves to sit in the bathtub when she is naked.

McKenzie is still LOVING school. She learning about nursery rhymes this month. Last month she learned to play soccer and daddy says she has a strong kick. LOL.

McKenzie went to see the Allergy doctor today and they are going to do skin testing next Wednesday. They don't do the subdermal shots like in adults, but they do scratchings on her back. I am sure it won't be pleasant. Thoughts and prayers will be appreciated.

Joe spent a fun filled day at Colfax. A town about an hour from here where they have some private property that a family lets people go mudding on for a price. This week the military contacted them and his unit took 9 humvees, 2 5 tons, and a wrecker out and went mudding for "training". The ended up with 13 very muddy vehicles, some very muddy personal, 1 water-logged engine, and 1 water-logged starter. He has his work cut out for him this week mechanically.

Joe goes to see the Ortho on Friday about his leg. It is still bothering him and since there is a difference of opinion between the PT and the PA regarding the same MRI report, they will let the Ortho decide the course of treatment.

Joe received information today that his unit will no longer exist by October 15, 201o. This means by that date next year we will be PCSing somewhere else if we have not already reenlisted by that point, which hopefully we will have. Also please continue to pray for Joe. His company wide weigh in is Wednesday. He has to pass tape before he can be promoted and/or reenlist.

As for me, I am same ole, same ole. I have increased my work capacity and am now working between 2-3 hours a day 5 days a week and making on average $25/hour. I am so blessed to be able to work for a company where I make good money, have flexible hours, and get to stay home and raise my daughters. I could not be more blessed right now (well except if we got transferred to KY). LOL.

Well that is about it from this side of the Mason-Dixon. I will attach some photos of the girls in this post and then probably some separately tomorrow. Love you all.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Pictures

Here are some new pictures of the little ones.

Kenzie reading to Madi

My girls

Madi saying hi

Holding hands

See, I can reach my toes.

Styling in my new crocs.

Being a big girl in a restaurant highchair.


I love oatmeal


I love this stuff.

Happy girl in the highchair.

Daddy doing dinner for the first time.

All done and pretty clean!

Our welder!

Looking sassy, my cowgirl.

Our rainbow playdoh creation.



Little Angel

Singing going on a bear hunt at school.
