Thursday, July 30, 2009

Madisyn Is Growing & Changing So FAST

Well today Madisyn decided was going to be a day of firsts I guess. She started deliberatly blowing bubbles and making the "fart" sound with her mouth. She also laughed several times in a row, which I caught on video!! Below is a video of her talking and of her laughing.

August Vaca

Just wanted you all to know that Joe's leave paperwork for August has been accepted and signed. We will sign out at Battlion at 0001 on August 7th and hopefully be home sometime the 8th. We are going to let the girls attitudes be our guides as when we stop, etc. We are hoping that by leaving while they sleep that we will be able to knock out half our trip with very few interruptions.

We have a busy week planned thus far to include the state fair, mooreland fair tractor pull, a 90th birthday party for Joe's grandma, a "we're home" party for us at mom's, a date night for mommy and daddy, as well as visiting with friends and tying up loose ends with the house.

We will be very very busy during the week that we are home, but we are very excited to see you all August 8-17th!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Pictures

Okay, I just had to share these pictures because they are TOO cute! This is really the first real smile I have captured of Madisyn. Also they look so sweet together. They do have their moments! LOL. Enjoy!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Big Sister Changing 1st Diaper

Here is a video clip of McKenzie changing her first diaper. It was even poopy! She did a full peepee diaper change the next night. She is turning into quite the little helper, between temper tantrums!

Can't wait to see you all in August. We will be very busy during our short one week visit, but hope to see you all on August 15th at 430 at Mom's and Dad's. If you would like to contribute you can contact Mom for more info! Email or call me if you need her contact information.

Big Update

It has been forever since I updated this. I am sorry!! Things have been so busy around here! Madisyn is now 12 weeks old and McKenzie is 3 1/2 yrs. Time flies. At Madisyn's 2 month appoint she was 9 # 12.5 oz and 22 inches long. She has reflux, but it seems to be well managed on Prevacid. She still is a spitter, it just does not seem to burn her as it comes up. Kenzie is adjusting to the big sister role pretty well. She still has her moments when she wants to be the baby to get the "extra" attention, but she has started helping more. She even changed her first diaper this week. She has found that the pool is her new favorite place to be on a hot day. She is quite the little fish. She got a new swim vest and she is all over the place unassisted. Madisyn likes the pool too, but we have to keep her covered so the hot LA sun does not touch her white skin! Madisyn started sleeping through the night this week. She goes to bed around 930 and wakes up at 700. She is still taking good naps for the most part too. Daddy is continuing to lose weight and improving his PT test. He passed the pushups and situps, but was unable to pass the run. He did improve his time though. He went to the doctor today for the large bump/mass he has just below his knee. The doctor thinks he has Osgood Slaughter's disease. They are going to maintain the walking profile for 30 more days and do an MRI, but he may end up on a permanent walking profile which means he can easily pass the PT test because he has already shown that he can pass the walking part twice. I am still recovering from my staple removal. The surgery went great and as soon as I get these stiches out of my foot. I will finally be able to wear regular shoes again! YAY! The surgeon was wonderful. There is very little discomfort, bruising, or swelling. Stitches come out Thursday. I have increased my work load. I am working about 3 hours Tuesday through Saturday. Mckenzie is finally completely potty trained with the exception of night time accidents. I have heard that this comes in its own time. She has not had a daytime accident in a long time, in fact I cannot even remember the last time. Our house in Indiana still has not sold. We are working with the Mortgage company in hopes that we can short sell it and just be done with. The in-laws did not move in to rent it like was originally planned, unfortunately! Joe's truck is still broke down. It has been one thing after another! First the head gasket's before we left, then the tires once it got down here, and now the fuel pump is out. I pray that it can be completed before August because that is what we need to come home for leave. We are bringing the dog home with us and there is not enough room in the car for the four of us and the dog plus all our luggage, etc. Well I have to go, McKenzie is throwing another one of her fits! IMAGINE that. Terrible 3's, oh boy, she is giving me a real run for my money!!
