Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Madisyn Is Here

It is about time for me to lay down for a quick nap before our next feeding, but I wanted to add some pictures of Madisyn and her big sister for you all to enjoy!

She was born April 27th at 0350 weighing 6 lbs 2 oz and measuring 20 inches long. She has LONG fingers and toes and for the time being brown hair and dark eyes.

McKenzie said that we would keep her! She loves to hug and kiss all over her. She is a great big helper!
Love and miss you all!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Quick Three Week Update

From the Easter Bunny
At the community Easter Egg Hunt

Pictures with the Easter Bunny

Trying on her goggles from Nana and Papa

Amazed by the bubble blower from Nana and Papa

Looking goofy in her Easter Hat from Nana and Papa

Singing in the rain the day the movers brought our stuff.
She was also trying to drink it as it fell.

Her and daddy sleeping.

Her and daddy wrestling

A slightly more serious picture of the goons.

Okay, I know that have not posted in like forever, but things have been REALLY hectic around here! Here is a breif synapses of what has taken place in the last three weeks.

We moved into our new house and are just finally getting the rest of our stuff put away although Jackie will be bringing down more stuff with her when she comes next week to include EMMA. We are so excited to finally be getting her home. She has been missed. We seem to have everything in order as far as baby gear, clothes, etc for Ms. Madisyn and McKenzie seems to be settling in nicely.

We have spent many days at the local park which is just 2-3 blocks from our house. It is a fun little walk and we have spent many evenings as a family walking down there and then coming back home with everyone exhausted!

Fort Polk is slowly becoming home of which Indiana can never be replaced, but as a military family, you have to make the best out of each "home" or you will always be miserable. The people here seem very friendly and it has a kind of small town feeling to it.

Daddy took McKenzie fishing for the first time ever on Good Friday. They did not catch any fish, but they both had a great time and McKenzie even went for an unexpected dip when she slipped in the mud and fell in the edge. She is very excited about going back after she saw a young man catch a catfish this week!

We had a wonderful Easter. Thank you to all of you who sent gifts for the girls. Kenzie loves getting presents from back home!

Joe's truck is done at last! He is so excited to be getting his other baby next Monday. Thanks a billion times over to Glen Dunson an old family friend who worked tirelessly on Joe's truck and now has it back up and running! What can I say, There is nothing better than the love and selflessness of family and friends!

McKenzie will be spending the first two hours away from mommy and daddy at a friends house later tonight. Joe and I have labor and delivery class and McKenzie is going to her friend, Nathan's house, to play. She is so excited. We had Nathan over this morning and took him to the park and had lunch with him and the kids loved it! We met Lisa his mother through FRG originally and then figured out that she went to the same church as us. His dad, Buck, is a 2lt in Joe's unit.

As far as Ms. Madisyn is concerned, I have started to dilate, but still have a little ways to go. If I don't deliver spontaneously by Sunday April 26th (7pm) and there is a room available, they are going to induce me. Otherwise I will be going in Monday morning for induction. She is getting to be a big girl and putting pressure everywhere, including on my back which still has some issues following surgery. We pray for a healthy, quick delivery!!

I appreciate all the phone calls and emails that we have received offering support and prayer. It means so much to us! We miss you all and I will try to upload pictures of Madisyn as soon as I am available. Jackie and Mom should be out here next week, Ashley two weeks in May, and then probably my Dad and Diane for a couple days at the end of May. Hopefully with all their help and Joe's "paternity" leave, I will get a few seconds to update this before three more weeks expire.
Sliding at the Park

Creating a Beautiful Chalk Masterpiece
